(T - 1, 2, 3) Daily Meal Plan during Pregnancy
Ayurveda recommends consumption of ghee and honey every Morning (1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of ghee is a cup of warm milk) for the 3rd Month.
The Daily Meal Plan:
There is a traditional Indian Diet plan that is extremely effective. It will also help to rule out common problems after delivery, such as loss of hair, back aches, weight gain and fat collection around the waist.
Approximately 8-8:30 AM: Eat just enough, so that hunger is retained for lunch. Breakfast should be hot, fresh, and nutritious. Preferably, grain based.
Along with breakfast, you can take Panchamrut; 3 – 4 almonds which have been soaked in water overnight and then peeled; one fig, soaked in water overnight, 5-7 raisons; 1 glass of hot milk with energy infused herbs (Santulan Shatavari Kalpha)
At about 10 – 10:30 AM – a freshly cut fruit or glass of fresh fruit juice
12:30 – 1:00 PM: The food should be freshly made, easy to digest and satvik in nature. It should include the Dal, rice, one leafy vegetable, when non-leafy vegetable, chapati, salad and fresh buttermilk. The meal should meet all the physical requirements of the Mother -to -be.
Afternoon snack
5- 5:30 PM: A glass of milk with two teaspoons of Santulan Shatavari Kalpha. A slice of bread, toast or a chapati with ghee and sugar can be added, if the expectant mother is hungry.
Dinner (Best eaten early in the evening)
It should be hot, freshly cooked. It should include soup, khichdi, dal, rice, vegetables.
Any point and important point to note is that a women can be given the food she craves at any time. This food should be in addition to the normal diet, which she should eat anywhere.
Do not slouch while eating. Incorrect posture is not conducive for good digestion.
Be disciplined with the timings of meals. Food eaten at these times is easily digested and absorbed, and digestive fire remains in balance.
Ayurveda suggests that Mother is also eating for the baby, so she may have to eat things that she may not necessarily like but it is good for the child.
There should not be any feeling of heaviness after eating .